Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our Kind of Day

We had the most wonderful day together yesterday. It was just one of those sweetly serene quiet days of homeschooling that brings a smile to your face at the end of the day. We had a good breakfast together and then set off to the family room sofa to do our daily lessons in reading, spelling, history and math. Caleb is truly enjoying the book we are reading together. It is a tale of a young boy and his family on a trip to visit his grandmother at her home near the beach in New England. Along the way, the boy meets an interesting man that plays the bagpipes. The book is titled, Boat Song, and I bought it a little over a year ago at our local library during a book sale. I paid all of 50 cents for it, almost broke the bank~LOL. I LOVE library book sales, dont you? After we finished with our lessons, Caleb and I challenged his dad to a game of Monopoly. My husband is a true and lifelong fan of the game and plays for keeps. Caleb watched him carefully to learn his strategies. It is a wonderful game and teaches skills such as money management, life skills and strategy. We had a fun time together and played for about an hour, but decided to leave the board as it was and finish our game today. I LOVE days like this!